online class preparation

create a zoom account
Visit on your laptop or download the Zoom Cloud Meetings app (it’s free!) on your phone or tablet. A laptop is the best because of its ability to adjust and angle your camera.
Zoom will need access to your camera and microphone. On a laptop, please disable your screensaver as well as all email/message notifications. On a phone, please adjust the lock time for your device.
Create a free account (optional). I recommend creating an account if you would like to adjust settings and prepare for your online session. If you do not want to create an account, you will simply enter the unique meeting ID assigned in your calendar invite.
Please only arrive a 1-2 minutes prior to class as another class may be finishing up.
Note: all participants audio is automatically set to mute to avoid background interference/interruptions in the event you join class late.
placing your mat
Find a quiet spot in your home with limited distractions from people, phone’s, tv’s, etc. The space should allow for your device to operate at speaker level, unless you have bluetooth earbuds (recommended but not required) to allow for movement.
Your space should have ample lighting, and enough floor space for you to move around. The space should be your body height with straight arm allowance above your head, and arms-length width with some room to spare.
Place a yoga mat or towel down in the location you’ve chosen. If your yoga mat is thin or you’re working out on a hard surface, then doubling up mats or placing a towel underneath your mat will give you some extra padding. You’ll want it.
placing your device
Prop your phone or your laptop screen approximately 1 ft above the floor onto a higher area so that the instructor can look at you from a profile/side or angled view. Make sure your entire mat is in view on the screen.
Your device should be backlit by a light source like a window or lamp.
Make sure your device is fully charged.
Please silence all email/message notifications on your device to avoid any interruptions